Shady Grove Missionary Baptist Church works diligently to meet the ever-changing needs of the people and the communities in which we live. We must not only reach-out into the highways and byways of this dying world , we must reach within the Church, to help those who are in spiritual need or crisis. Knowledge is Power, so we must Know in order to Grow.
Shady Grove Missionary Baptist Church has many Ministries to serve many needs. Each Ministry provides spiritual focus on effectiveness, diligent, and vital aspects of the services provided. Pastor Victor L. Harkins, Sr., encourages ALL Ministry Leaders to pay close attention to their respective Ministries and promote Growth by allowing the Spirit of God to use them.
Shady Grove Missionary Baptist Church now provides career development training for the unemployed. We have also become more involved with evangelism to help people learn how they can better manage their spiritual needs, and to be equip to bring others that are lost, or seeking the "Gospel Truth."