Tithes & Other Contributions

Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house. Malachi 3:10

You can give your offering through Givelify, PayPal, or Cash App

Instructions for each are below


Easy Steps to contribute through Givelify using your mobile device


1. Go to your Apple store if you have an iPhone or Google Play store if you have an Android and download the app.
2. Create an account
3. Link your bank debit card
4. Search for Shady Grove Missionary Baptist Church and make the church one of your favorites
5. Click on Give
6. Select a gift amount followed by the offering type or ministry you'd like it to go to
7. If you'd like to add another offering or ministry click add donation and repeat step 6.
8. After selecting where you'd like to contribute funds, click continue and it will let you make your contribution



If you prefer NOT TO ADD the app to your mobile device, simply click on the Givlify Icon below.  You will be taken directly to the site to give your contribution.


Cash App

The cash tag is $SGMBCInc
In the note section please include your envelope number (if applicable) as well as what offering or ministry you'd like your funds to go to.


If you would like to pay your Tithes, give Benevolence, Exodus 36:5 Building Fund, and/or any other offering  towards a Ministry of your choice, please fill in the form below and click send.


Once you have sent the form, click the donate button, PayPal will open, and follow the instructions to make your contribution.


We would like to thank you in advance
for your contributions.

God bless you for your sacrifice.

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Contact Us

 Shady Grove Missionary Baptist Church

2600 Fairfax Avenue

Bessemer, AL 35020

Phone: 205-426-1941

Fax: 205-282-0763


Pastor / Teacher

Dr. Victor L. Harkins, Sr.

Cell: 205-229-5267

Email: pastorharkins@sgmbcal.org


Administrative Assistant

Bro. Victor L. Harkins, Jr.

Phone: 205-913-1551

Email: victor.harkins@sgmbcal.org

Regular Hours

We Thank God for you. 

We're here to welcome you.

Please stop by during these hours:



7:00 AM - 2:00 PM 



9:00 AM - 2:00 PM


TEAM for Children

Child Development Center


6:00 AM - 6:00 PM

3201 Arlington Avenue

Bessemer, AL 35020

We are MORE

than just a 






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© Shady Grove Missionary Baptist Church